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How to Design Striking CTA

September 21, 2021 - Reading time: 5 minutes

Actionable do’s and don’ts to help improve your call to action.

First of all, what is a CTA Button? Call-to-action (CTA) are the buttons that are meant to guide users towards your goal conversion. It’s a fundamental part of your interface that users need to press to make the action you want them to take.

CTA buttons can vary in style and size depending on your goal. Some common examples of call-to-action buttons are:

  • Add to cart button
  • Sign in/Register button
  • Download button

All CTA buttons have a goal: to get your app or page visitor to click and convert.

So here is my set of tips to help you create better call-to-actions and increase your design conversion rate.

Use valuable and actionable copy

Don’t use “submit” or “send” on your form buttons. Instead, provide a copy that speaks the same language as the user does.

Instantly show users what they will achieve by pressing your button.

Use valuable copy

Make your CTA’s dead obvious

Use bold, highly contrasting colors for your CTA’s.

Don’t try to blend/mix your primary converting buttons alongside other UI elements or backgrounds.

Make your CTA's dead obvious

Ensure your CTA’s have a large tap zone

Don’t make your conversion buttons too small. Do make them prominent and bold.

When working on a web project, it’s a must to use a set of buttons for different resolution breakpoints.

Ensure your CTA's have a large tap zone

Don’t be afraid to add some spice

Don’t make your buttons look boring. Instead, use both style and interaction to build the urge to smash that pretty & fun thing.

Don't be afraid to add some spice

Make your vocabulary dead clear

Ensure your CTA’s vocabulary is clear and actionable.

User attention is precious, so use the momentum to quickly get to the main point with a short but striking copy.

Make your vocabulary dead clear

Therefore, it’s crucial to be open to longer text variations when designing your buttons. Just make sure the action behind the text is 100% predictable.

Add keywords to CTA’s

Images that act as buttons, like product cards or galleries, must have “alt” tags.

The attached information helps to rank your page higher and provides helpful context to people with visual disabilities.

Make sure that all clickable elements have <alt> tags included.

Add keywords to CTA's

Use Me instead of You

Based on the research by Unbounce, a first-person copy like “I” and “my” is more effective than using “you” and “your,” resulting in higher conversion.

Since the primary driver for buying and clicking things our own emotions. Using the first-person pronouns in your CTA’s increases emotional impact by associating a personal benefit with action.

Based on my experience, using this trick and a friendlier tone results in a better response from visitors. ❤

Use Me instead of You

Use descriptive buttons

Add descriptions to promote the idea of pressing your button.

Put extra proof, rating, or your product best feature to create anticipation towards clicking and achieving something.

Use descriptive buttons


That’s all. Thanks for the read! 🙌

Use these tips and your surveillance to come with new cool buttons ideas.

To help you quickly design & test your CTA, you can use tools like

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